How to protect your business from cybercrime - an online webinar

27th May 2021, 3:00pm GMT/BST

Cyber threats don’t just cost businesses money; they can seriously impact your reputation – up to 60% of companies that are seriously impacted by Cybercrime may cease trading.

If you want to protect your business from the latest Cyberthreats, join me for a non-technical overview and learn the steps to stop the criminals in their tracks.

In this 60-minute webinar we’ll:

Discuss the current threat landscape
Show you how the cybercriminals can get access to your systems
Give you some real-life examples, and what not acting could cost you
Discuss the consequences of a cyber-attack on your business’ reputation
Show you how you should be using not only tech, but education to keep safe
Detailing solutions to mitigate risk

Join me online for this free, non-technical* webinar. There will also be a Q & A session at the end.

*non-technical. No geek speak, but feel free to ask questions!

Registration is via LinkedIn. Once registered, you can return to this page and use the "Registered Attendees - view webinar" button at the top of the page. Thanks and see you soon.

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